Spooktacular Tips for Celebrating Halloween After a Divorce


Now that the leaves are finally transitioning for green to vibrant shades of orange, yellow, and red, you know the fall season is officially in full swing. Although many department stores are already anticipating the holiday season, there is one spooky favorite that must come to pass before we can all begin decking the halls. Halloween is a time for playing make-believe, dressing up in costume, carving jack-o-lanterns, and traveling door-to-door for candy. For many children, it is one of their favorite holidays and they are likely gleeful with feelings of unbridled anticipation.

However, if you were recently divorced, celebrating this favored holiday will present a few obstacles. It can be particularly difficult for parents who went through a particularly hostile divorce. We compiled a few helpful tips to help you keep the spirit of this day alive while minimizing the potential for any real-life horrors.

Have a Happy Halloween!

Halloween is on the 31st of October, but it is not uncommon to enjoy Halloween-themed activities throughout the entire month. Therefore, if you do not have the children on Halloween and you are not on amicable enough terms with your co-parent to share the holiday, you can celebrate with the children on another day.

Find out what sort of local Halloween activities are provided in your area. You can visit a pumpkin patch, walk through a kid-friendly haunted house, or explore a corn maze with the kids. If you would rather stay in, consider making some Halloween goodies with the kids. Cookies shaped like bats, cats, and witch hats will surely be a memorable treat. You can also look up some age-appropriate ghost stories, light up a few candles, and start spinning an impressive web of ghoulish tales.


If you decide to share trick-or-treating with your co-parent, stay focused on your children to avoid getting involved in any unnecessary bickering. Make sure they do not try to cut across the road or begin eating their sugary loot until you or your co-parent have a chance to look through their treats. It is uncommon for candy to be tampered with, but you should still throw out anything that is unwrapped or partially unwrapped.

If you are not up for sharing this activity, consider some creative solutions. You can take the children trick-or-treating for one hour and your former spouse can take them for the rest of the night, or vice versa. Not only will this give both of you a chance to trick-or-treat with them separately, but it will also give them a chance to trick-or-treat in two neighborhoods.

Speak to a Family Law Attorney Today!

Many of us do our best to resolve our own family law matters to avoid going in and out of court, but not every issue can be solved without the assistance of the court. At Letterio & Haug, LLP, our family law team will provide the legal representation you need to ensure you achieve the best possible results for you and your family. Our law firm is committed to providing personalized solutions for each client we serve.

Contact us today at (845) 203-0997 to schedule a personal initial consultation with one of our compassionate and knowledgeable attorneys.