Divorce Tips: Signs Your Spouse Is Hiding Cryptocurrency

A man hiding a stack of cash in his suit.

Divorce is often a difficult and emotional time, and it can be made even more complicated when one spouse is hiding assets. With the rise of cryptocurrency, it has become easier for people to keep their wealth hidden from their partners, making it even more important to be vigilant and know what signs to look for to figure out if your spouse is hiding assets.

In this blog post, we’ll outline some key indicators that your spouse may be hiding cryptocurrency assets and offer some tips on what to do if you suspect this to be the case.

Signs That Your Spouse Is Hiding Cryptocurrency

It can often be difficult to determine whether your spouse is hiding assets, such as cryptocurrencies, during the divorce process. However, there are ways you can figure out if they are. The following are signs you can look for to help you determine whether your spouse is hiding cryptocurrency during your divorce:

  • Unexplained Transactions – One of the most obvious indicators that your spouse may be hiding cryptocurrency is unexplained financial transactions. You may notice that there are large sums of money leaving your joint account without any explanation or justification. If your partner is involved in cryptocurrency trading, it’s easy for them to move money around undetected, which means that keeping an eye on bank statements may not be enough. If you notice unexplained transactions, it’s worth investigating further to see if any of this money has been invested in cryptocurrency.
  • Secretive Behavior – Another sign that your partner may be hiding cryptocurrency assets is secretive behavior. If your spouse begins acting shady about their phone or computer use, it could be a sign that they’re trying to keep something from you. Cryptocurrency is traded online, which means that your partner may be spending more time on their computer or phone to manage their investments. If they’re hiding something, they may try to be extra careful about what they do online, which means that monitoring their behavior could be a useful way to find out if they’re investing in cryptocurrency.
  • New Accounts – If your partner is investing in cryptocurrency, they may need to set up new accounts to do so. This could mean opening new bank accounts or signing up for cryptocurrency exchanges. If you notice that your partner has been opening new accounts without any explanation, it’s worth investigating further to see if they’ve been using these accounts to invest in cryptocurrency.
  • Changes in Spending Habits – Investing in cryptocurrency can be risky, and it’s possible that your partner has been putting money into these investments without telling you. This could lead to changes in spending habits, such as suddenly buying expensive things or taking out loans. If you notice that your partner’s spending habits have changed significantly, it’s worth investigating to see if there’s a cryptocurrency investment involved.
  • Trust Your Instincts – Finally, the most important thing you can do if you suspect your partner is hiding cryptocurrency assets is to trust your instincts. If you have a gut feeling that something isn’t right, it’s worth investigating further to see if your partner is hiding assets. Divorce can be a difficult and emotional time, but it’s important to protect your financial future, and knowing what to look for when it comes to cryptocurrency can help you do just that.

Divorce is never easy, but it’s important to be vigilant and know the signs to look out for if you suspect your partner is hiding cryptocurrency assets. By monitoring financial transactions, being aware of secretive behavior, and paying attention to changes in spending habits, you can protect your financial future and ensure that your divorce settlement is fair. Remember to trust your instincts and seek legal advice if you suspect that your partner is hiding assets. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Get in touch with Letterio & Haug, LLP today for more information about divorce, property division, and ways people hide assets in New York. You can call us at (845) 203-0997 or reach out to us online today for a confidential consultation with our experienced family law attorneys in New York.

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